Hello everyone
How are you?
(Today I don't can go to class because occured a emergency in my house and I was sick too so I dont feel so good)
I never asking me what kind of job I would like to have because to me is not a thing very important to me and actually I never work before so I don't imagine how kind I would like it a work because I don't have a broad experience.
I would´t like to talk about the a job that I will have when I finsh my career because I think thas so obiusly because of I studing “Pedagogía en Educación Parvularia” its supossed to I have to job something related about the educación.
So I going to talk about the job that I dream to have but I know that not posible, I like working at Disney dress up of some character of this magic world and participate of the caravanas or walking arroun the park interacting with the people. I really like the idea of put me a custome and acting like the characther.
I would liked to do this not necessarily on Disney it´s jus that in Chile too like a kind of “Doctor Simi” and enjoy dancing and acting like another person, some person who make laugh the people or maybe someone who making dreams come true, who knows?